An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Your profession: Electrics technician (master craftsperson) (m/f)

Professional activities

Electrics technicians (master craftspersons) organise work processes in craft trade companies specialising in electro-technology, e. g. for installing energy or building technology plants. They are directly involved in the work, ensure the quality of the work and carry out commercial tasks. Master electrics technicians train apprentices and advise customers and colleagues.

Fields of work

Electrics technicians (master craftspersons) work

  • for craft trade companies specialising in electro-technology
  • for firms in the electrical industry
  • for power station operators


This profession is regulated in Germany.

The professional profiles are based on information from berufenet at the Federal Employment Agency and BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training).