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Nathalie Schnabel
Address see above
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Content of the website
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), publisher of this website, cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of the information that has been processed and prepared for posting here. The publisher and the staff of the Recognition in Germany portal are categorically excluded from liability for any damages, particularly pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages, arising from the use of any information presented here. The information posted on this site is non-binding and does not entail any obligation. The publisher reserves the right to remove, expand or modify the information provided on this site, either in its entirety or in part, also on a temporary basis, without express advance notice.
The Recognition Finder provides users with general information about the necessary procedural steps, the required documents and the authorities responsible for the occupational field they have specified. This does not constitute legal advice within the meaning of the Legal Services Act (Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz). The competent authorities are responsible for the procedure.
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