An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Train­ing up­dat­ed for 11 oc­cu­pa­tions

New train­ing reg­u­la­tions en­ter in­to force for the start of the train­ing year on 1 Au­gust. A to­tal of 11 oc­cu­pa­tions in­clud­ing com­mer­cial and tech­ni­cal IT oc­cu­pa­tions are be­ing up­dat­ed.

The recognition of a foreign professional qualification is based on the training regulation and a detailed description of the German reference occupation. A total of 11 updated training occupations come into effect at the start of the new training year on 1 August. In three cases, the professional title is also changing with the restructuring.

A new training regulation will apply for the following occupations from 1 August:

  • Bank clerk (m/f)
  • Biological laboratory technician (m/f)
  • Chemical laboratory technician (m/f)
  • Information technology specialist (m/f)
  • Housekeeper (m/f)
  • Information technology and telecommunications system electronics technician (m/f)
  • Digitalization management agent (m/f)
  • Wholesale and foreign trade clerk (m/f)
  • Information and telecommunications system manager (m/f)
  • Lacquer and varnish laboratory technician (m/f)
  • Media designer for images and sound (m/f)

The previously stand-alone training occupation of “film and video editor” is being merged into the updated occupation of “audio-visual media producer”.

Recognition of the new occupations can be applied for as soon as the training regulations enter into force. Skilled workers wishing to apply for recognition of their foreign professional qualification can identify the German reference occupation in the Recognition Finder. This can be found in the Skilled workers section of “Recognition in Germany”.

Further information:

BIBB: Dual training goes digital, press release from 27.07.2020
BIBB: New and updated training occupations 2020
List of dual training occupations 2020