An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Round Table for professional recognition

The Round Table for professional recognition is a measure from the National Action Plan on Integration (NAP-I) of the German Federal Government. The forum “Recognition” emphasised the key role that migrant organisations played in preparing the NAP-I. With the support of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) subsequently initiated the “Round Table for professional recognition”. This discussion format aims to add the expertise of migrant organisations to dialogue with social partners, advisory centres and the responsible federal and state authorities. A further objective is a more systematic incorporation of the organisations’ experiences. As many stakeholders as possible are to be involved thanks to changing topics and formats.

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BMBF, 2021

2021 Report on the Round Table for Professional Recognition

Results of the first meeting on 20 May 2021: Dialogue and examples from practice relating to the main theme of “Communication on professional recognition”.

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