An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Skills Analy­sis Net­work

The Skills Analy­sis Net­work project fa­cil­i­tat­ed the net­work­ing and the shar­ing of ex­pe­ri­ences by com­pe­tent au­thor­i­ties. The aim was to fur­ther es­tab­lish the skills analy­sis pro­ce­dure. The project end­ed on 31 De­cem­ber 2022.

Here you can find answers to the question:


What does the Skills Analysis network do? 

The Skills Analysis Network (NetQA) facilitates the networking of competent authorities in all issues relating to skills analysis, from the initial counselling with the individual interested in Recognition, via the search for experts and conducting the skills analysis through to the decision on the Equivalence of the Professional qualification. NetQA is a joint project with partners from the Chamber of crafts and trades (HWK) and from the chambers of industry and commerce (IHK). The purpose of the national network is to support the mutual sharing of experiences. NetQA also provides support on the skills analysis. The pool of expertise and knowledge has work materials available for the practical implementation. The aim is to have a quality-assured and efficient process for the skills analysis in place across Germany by 2023. 

Hands holding the cover of the brochure

BIBB, 2022

What can I expect in the skills analysis (QA)?

If not all documents can be submitted for recognition, QA may be an option. The brochure illustrates the process. For competent authorities to pass on to applicants.

Video, 02:42

Success Story – Ahmad Khazaal

Ahmad Khazaal, a motor vehicle mechatronics technician, came from Lebanon to Germany in 2015. With a skills analysis he was able to receive recognition as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician.

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My vocational recognition is confirmation of what I'm able to do and opens up opportunities for me. 
My name is Ahmed Khazaal and I’m a motor vehicle mechatronics technician.

In Lebanon, I trained and worked as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician.
Luckily, when I came to Germany in 2015, I was able to start work straight away with my uncle in the garage

In Germany, you can work as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician. 
The occupation is not regulated. But then you can't go anywhere else in terms of your career.

I definitely want to progress and complete my master craftsman qualification to maybe later run my own garage. 

Recognition of the occupation is a requirement for admission to the master craftsman examination.

My wife and I found out the information on the internet and from the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts and Trades.

Mr Khazaal submitted his papers to us from Lebanon. However, these didn't clearly describe his qualifications.

Following my qualification, I worked for 4 years in Lebanon and 3 years in Germany.

We therefore suggested a skills analysis.  

That was great. I was able to show everything I was capable of. I was a bit nervous but that went away very quickly.
To start with, I sat down with Mr Khazaal for a preliminary discussion in order to get to know him. 

It helps if the people assessing me know me a bit and I know them.
In the practical element, he passed the mechanical task with flying colours. This also required systems expertise.

My task was to change a cambelt. I had done that many times before.  

We also considered a task on a brake. And he then had to find an electronic fault. 

Luckily I was also familiar with this from work. I slowly became more relaxed.

We then conducted a professional discussion in order to check theoretical knowledge. He did it very well. 
However, it was evident that he still had some catching up to do in the high voltage area.

I then gained this knowledge in the refresher training. I'm now fully recognised and have received the notice saying that my training is fully equivalent to the training in Germany.

And we look forward to seeing Mr Khazaal again on the further examination preparation course. 

It's time to get started on the master craftsman examination. I want to further improve my German for this.
My tip Get the information, think positive and really go for it!

Start your own success story and talk about it.

Recognition in Germany.

More success stories and information at

Hands hold a publication
pdf, 469 KB
BIBB, 2021

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about the skills analy­sis

In cer­tain cas­es, recog­ni­tion is pos­si­ble with a skills analy­sis. The ap­pli­cants’ brochure pro­vides an­swers to fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions.

Project partners and tasks

Contact NetQA


In the project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational education and training (BIBB) is responsible for overall coordination and for knowledge management. The role of the West German Chamber of Crafts Council (WHKT) is to provide specialist guidance and support to the chambers of crafts and trades. The Central Agency for Continuing Vocational education and training in the Skilled Crafts (ZWH) is the partner involved in the development and implementation of training. The participating chambers are also project partners and disseminators and, as such, pass on their experiences with the Skills analysis to the competent authorities in established transfer regions.


NetQA predecessor projects

NetQA was launched in January 2019 and is based on two predecessor projects: The skills analysis instrument was developed using the Prototyping Project based at the WHKT from 2011 to 2014. The skills analysis was established in the Recognition procedure with the Prototyping Transfer project coordinated by the BIBB from 2015 to 2018.


The tutorial video explains what counsellors need to know about the skills analysis process and where they can receive support.

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The tutorial video explains what counsellors need to know about the skills analysis process and where they can receive support. The prototyping transfer project referred to in the video is the predecessor of the Skills Analysis Network project.