An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh, Custom tailor

Recog­ni­tion makes me feel part of Ger­many.

Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh has lived in Germany since 2004. She has started a family here and also obtained recognition for her Ghanean qualification in order to be able to work as a custom tailor.

My advice
Con­tact the peo­ple who can help with recog­ni­tion of your qual­i­fi­ca­tion.
Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh
Reference occupation
Custom tailor
Country of origin of qualification
Current job
Custom tailor

My story

Love brought Ghana-born Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh to Germany and in particular to Mannheim. The man she was later to marry arrived in Germany as a student from Ghana as long as 30 years ago. Judith herself is a qualified customer tailor and has been resident here since 2004. Her first job in Germany was for the US Army in a tailor's workshop that performed alterations for soldiers. She obtained the position via a friend who was already employed there. "We sewed new ranks on the uniforms and carried out alterations," she relates. She then fell pregnant with her first child and decided to devote all her time to her family.

Despite this, she never lost sight of her aim of becoming a custom tailor. Encouragement came from her eldest son, who asked her one day why she did not continue with the profession in which she had trained in Ghana. "At this point, I took the decision that I would return to work when my son was in Year 5. When he was in Year 3, I submitted an application for recognition of my qualification."


Natalia Grekova from the Mannheim Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald Chamber of Crafts and Trades supported Judith through the procedure. "She provided me with the most important information." The first part of the process, submission of certificates and credentials from her home country, turned out to be the most time-consuming stage. "This was because I needed confirmation from the school in Ghana. Although I visited twice, the competent body was unable to provide this." Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh can, however, now afford a relaxed smile as she recalls that Ghanean bureaucracy was the major – and indeed the only – challenge during the recognition procedure.

Once the documentation was finally available and had been translated, the chamber of crafts and trades still needed information on the contents of training. For this reason, Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh completed a skills analysis. This gave her the opportunity to demonstrate her professional competences in a practical manner, and she also received plenty of tips from Brigitte Eppinger, Head of the Guild of Tailors, on matters such as specialist literature, company management and calculation of working time. "I tailored an entire suit, both the trousers and the top." The outcome was certification of full equivalence of her professional qualification. She was then awarded her recognition notice after a total period of three years.

"My children and I are now happy," she beams. "Although I’m not from here, I feel that I am integrated into society." Judith is still searching for a job, but has already made further plans for the future. "I would like to open my own shop when I have gained enough experience."

The interview with Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh was conducted in February 2016. Judith was advised and supported in the recognition of her qualification by the Mannheim Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald Chamber of Crafts and Trades.

My procedure in brief

  1. In Ghana, Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh completes training as a custom tailor.
  2. In 2004, she arrives in Germany. Here, her first job was in a tailor’s workshop performing alterations for soldiers. She then becomes a mother and devotes herself to her family.
  3. Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh applies for recognition from the Mannheim Chamber of Crafts and Trades. She struggles to get hold of the necessary documents from Ghana.
  4. She demonstrates her vocational skills in a skills analysis. She then receives recognition of her professional qualification.
  5. With recognition as a custom tailor, Judith Yawa Aggor-Edorh begins looking for work. In the future she would like to open her own shop.

Further information