An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Glossary - E

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German: Erwerbstätigkeit

Employment is work which is regulated by contract. Employed persons include:

  • Employees
  • Salaried employee
  • Self-employed people
  • Freelancers
  • Persons in a mini job



German: Gleichwertigkeit


Equivalence assessment

German: Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung
Also: Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung

In Germany, the checks whether a foreign is equivalent to the German . This check is called the equivalence assessment and is conducted as part of the .

For this check, the competent authority needs all documents relating to the foreign professional qualification. For example:

  • Vocational qualification certificate
  • Evidence of professional experience
Ethnic German resettlers

German: Spätaussiedler
Also: Aussiedler, Russlanddeutsche

Ethnic German resettlers are people of German descent who immigrate to Germany from the former Soviet Union or from eastern Europe. These persons are officially recognised as ethnic German resettlers.

The ethnic German repatriates certificate enables them to apply for a special procedure for . Another name for the ethnic German repatriates’ certificate is Expellee Identification Card.

EU attestation

German: EU-Bescheinigung
Also: EU-Bescheinigung über Berufserfahrung, EG-Bescheinigung
English: Certificate of Professional Experience

To work in an EU state, official proof of professional experience in another EU member state is often required. The so-called EU attestation is particularly important in Germany for professions in the sector and in the area of industry and commerce.

The competent authority for the profession in the country of origin grants the EU attestation.

EU Recognition Directive

German: EU-Berufsanerkennungsrichtlinie
Also: Berufsanerkennungsrichtlinie, Anerkennungsrichtlinie

The official name for the EU Recognition Directive is: Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the of . The directive regulates the of between countries of the European Union (EU) with respect to .

The most important rules are:

  • The foreign must be equivalent to the German professional qualification.
  • The competent authority must take into account in the .
  • Professional experience may compensate for between the foreign and the German reference occupation.
  • Individuals with insufficient professional experience are also able to compensate for via compensation measures.

The directive entered into force on 15 October 2005 and was reformed by Directive 2013/55/EU.


German:  EU/EWR/Schweiz

EU/EEA/Switzerland is the abbreviation for: European Union/European Economic Area/Switzerland.

The member states of the European Union (EU) include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

The European Economic Area (EEA) includes: All EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.

Switzerland has entered into a treaty with the European Union. This states that Switzerland participates in the European system of .

European Professional Card (EPC)

The European Professional Card (EPC) is an electronic of . It applies only to countries of the European Union (EU).

The EPC currently exists for the following professions:

  • Pharmacist
  • Nurse
  • Physiotherapist
  • Mountain guide
  • Estate agent

Further information on the EPC 
Your Europe: European Professional Card - EPC

Evidence of formal qualifications

German: Ausbildungsnachweis

Evidence of formal qualifications documents that a covers. For example:

  • Certificates
  • Examination certificates
  • Diploma

Evidence of formal professional qualifications is issued by an authority. It must be issued in the country in which the professional qualification was obtained.

Examination fees

German: Prüfungsgebühren

Examination fees are the cost of participating in a state examination. This means that individuals may be required to pay money for participating in an examination.

External examination

German: Externenprüfung

The external examination is a specific examination for dual .

The external examination enables individuals without to complete a in a . They must fulfil the following conditions:

  • The individual has already worked in the profession in which they are sitting the examination.
  • The period of working was at least 1.5 times as long as the duration of training in this profession.
  • They must pass the external examination.