An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Glossary - I

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Intention to engage in gainful employment


Intention to start work

German: Absicht der Arbeitsaufnahme
Also: Erwerbstätigkeitsabsicht, Arbeitsabsicht; Nachweis, Darlegung, Glaubhaftmachung der Arbeitsabsicht

Persons seeking to work in Germany can apply for of their professional qualification from abroad. Persons from must provide proof of their intention to seek work in Germany.

The may demand proof of the intention to work. A competent authority will then also know the location or federal state in which the person is seeking to work.

The proof of the intention to work includes, for example,: 

  • The of the Service Center for Professional Recognition (ZSBA)
  • Contact with an employer in Germany: e.g. contract of employment, confirmation of employment, applications, invitations to interviews
  • Business idea for self-employed work
  • Application for entry visa to work in Germany

Exceptions: Persons from the do not need to provide proof. They simply need to declare the location in which they are seeking to work in Germany. Persons coming from a and who already live in the are also not required to provide proof. However, the can be helpful. It confirms to the competent authority that the person wants to work in the named federal state. E.g. if the person has still not found an employer in Germany.

Documents for the application

Service Center for Professional Recognition

Internal Market Information System (IMI)

Abbr: Internal Market Information System (IMI)

Electronic system of the European Union (EU) for exchanging information. The IMI enables public bodies in the European Economic Area to exchange information over the internet.
For example, the for is therefore able to receive information directly from the competent authority in the country of origin.