An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Glossary - Q

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Qualification certificate

German: Befähigungsnachweis
Also: Certificate of competence

The following is important for some independent activities and : The individual must have specialist knowledge or the competency in specific activities. The individual must provide written evidence of their specialist knowledge or competency. Only then will the individual receive authorisation for the practice of specific activities in the profession. The document providing this authorisation is called a qualification certificate or certificate of competence.

There is specific theoretical and practical training for a qualification certificate. There is often also an examination (for example an expert knowledge examination). Following this the individual receives the qualification certificate or the certificate of competence as an official document. For some activities, the individual must also provide evidence that they are or This applies for example to the following activities:

  • Security guard
  • Insurance broker
  • Driving instructor

An individual may also have acquired specialist knowledge in their profession. In this case is just as valid as a qualification certificate or certificate of competence. This is also the case for a foreign . The checks whether the foreign can be for a qualification certificate or certificate of competence.

Quality Seal „Fair Recruitment of Careworkers for Germany“

German: Faire Anwerbung Pflege Deutschland

When searching for an employer, general nurses from should look out for the “Fair Recruitment of Careworkers for Germany” quality seal. 

The quality seal helps them to find employers who guarantee good working conditions for general nurses from abroad. General nurses can be confident that recruitment processes in companies with the quality seal will be fair and transparent.

Fair Recruitment of Careworkers for Germany