An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Glossary - R

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German: Anerkennung
Also: Anerkennung der Berufsqualifikation, Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung, Gleichwertigkeit

In this case recognition means that a foreign professional qualification is legally to a German professional qualification. This means that the foreign is recognised in Germany. The equivalence is valid for a specific German .

There are different types of recognition:

Full recognition

A foreign is legally equivalent to the German .

Partial recognition

A foreign professional qualification is only partially equivalent to the German reference occupation. The reason for this is that there are between the foreign professional qualification and the German professional qualification.

In this case, there are two options in order to still achieve full recognition:

  • Successful participation in
  • Successful participation in a

No recognition

A foreign professional qualification is not equivalent to the German reference occupation. The reason for this is that the differences between the foreign professional qualification and the German reference occupation are too great.

Recognition must be requested by means of an . This then begins the .

Recognition Act

German: Anerkennungsgesetz

The Recognition Act regulates the of foreign . The Recognition Act states that individuals with a foreign professional qualification in Germany have the right to a .

The official name of the act is: Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act
There is the Recognition Act of the Federal Government and the Recognition Acts of the 16 Federal States. Important parts of the Recognition Act are the and the adaptations to special laws and regulations relating to occupations.

Recognition Finder

German: Anerkennungs-Finder

The Recognition Finder is a specific tool at which is used to search for information about .
This allows individuals to easily find information on this website. For example, on the following topics:

  • Occupational profile
  • Specifics of the occupation
  • Reference occupation
  • Costs of the procedure
  • Key documents

The Recognition Finder can be found here.


Recognition grant

German: Anerkennungszuschuss
Also: Anerkennungszuschuss des Bundes, „Zuschuss“

The recognition grant provides financial support for the  procedures of foreign professional qualifications or higher education degrees.


Recognition notice

German: Anerkennungsbescheid
Also: Gleichwertigkeitsbescheid, Bescheid über Gleichwertigkeit, Bescheid zur Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung, Anerkennungsurkunde

A recognition notice is a document from the relating to an . It contains the result of the . A recognition notice is legally binding.

In the case of full , authorisation to practice a professional activity may be combined with the recognition notice, for example:

  • (licence to practise medicine in Germany)
  • Authorisation to
  • Certificate of
Recognition partnership

German: Anerkennungspartnerschaft

A recognition partnership is a type of for people from . The purpose of the residence in this case is to do the in Germany and to conclude the process with full recognition after a maximum period of three years.

A recognition partnership enables people from third countries to enter Germany without prior recognition of their foreign professional or . Once a person from abroad has found a job, they conclude an agreement with the employer. In this agreement, a commitment is made to apply for recognition immediately upon entry to Germany. The prospective skilled worker is able to enter the country and start employment at once. Certain tasks are not permitted if the profession is . The employer supports the skilled worker with recognition. The employer must also allow any training which is necessary for recognition.

More information on recognition partnerships and their requirements is available here:

How does a recognition partnership work?

Advantages of recognition

Recognition procedure

German: Anerkennungsverfahren
Also: Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellungsverfahren, Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung, Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung

The in Germany checks the professional qualification in the . The competent authority checks whether the foreign professional qualification is to the German .

For the recognition procedure, the requires certificates and other documents relating to the content and duration of the . Certificates and other documents relating to professional experience are also important.

Reference occupation

German: Referenzberuf
Also: Referenzqualifikation

The reference occupation is a German . In the the compares a foreign professional qualification to the German reference occupation.

Refresher training

German: Anpassungsqualifizierung

Refresher training allows individuals in to compensate for between their foreign and the German . They are then still able to receive full of their foreign professional qualification. For this, however, they must first submit a to the .

Register of Craftsmen

German: Handwerksrolle

List kept by Chambers of Crafts and Trades of the owners of businesses in the .

In Germany, individuals in the are able to start a business. In the they must have specific advanced vocational education and training qualification to do this. This training is called Master craftsman training. Master craftsmen must be entered in the Register of Craftsmen. They then receive the craftsman's card.

Individuals with foreign as a in the crafts and trades sector are able to submit an for this . The allows them also to be entered in the Register of Craftsmen. However, this does not confer the title of master craftsperson!

Registration of a trade or business

German: Gewerbeanmeldung

In Germany, a must be registered with the trade office. The official certification for a trade or business is referred to as: Trading licence.

Regulated professions

German: reglementierte Berufe

There are statutory provisions relating to regulated professions. These professions include for example:

  • Teachers

Individuals in a regulated profession need of their foreign . They are then permitted to work in Germany in this profession. The helps when searching for regulated professions.

Residence permit

German: Aufenthaltstitel

Individuals from require state authorisation if they are seeking to enter Germany and wish to stay here. This authorisation is called a residence permit.

There are 3 temporary residence permits:

  • Residence permit
  • EU Blue Card
  • Visa

There are 2 permanent residence permits:

  • EU permanent residence
  • Settlement permit

In Germany applications for a residence permit are submitted to the Immigration Office. When abroad, applications for a residence permit are submitted to the German diplomatic mission.
Further information is available from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Informationen zur Einreise für Personen aus Drittstaaten

Information relating to entry requirements and right of residence

EU and the EEA citizens do not require a residence permit. Swiss citizens must register their residency in Germany.

Information is available here for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens