An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Pelşin Bars, Doctor of medicine

For me, recog­ni­tion means pro­fes­sion­al free­dom.

Pelşin Bars studied medicine in Turkey. In Turkey there were barely any training places on offer for the speciality of dermatology. This was why she came to Germany in 2016. She received approbation following a knowledge test. Today, Pelşin Bars works as a junior doctor specialising in dermatology.

My advice
Ap­ply ear­ly. Use the wait­ing time to learn Ger­man.
Pelşin Bars
Reference occupation
Doctor of medicine
Country of training
Current job
Junior doctor specialising in dermatology.

My procedure in brief

  1. Pelşin Bars studied medicine in Turkey and afterwards wanted to specialise in the area of dermatology. This is almost impossible in her home country. She comes to Germany in 2016.
  2. In Berlin, she starts by learning German and at the end of the end of 2016 she passes the B2 language examination
  3. An acquaintance makes her aware of the TBB (Turkish Federation in Berlin-Brandenburg, a subproject in the Berlin Network IQ). Her adviser explains which documents she needs for approbation (licence to practise medicine in Germany).
  4. In January 2017 Pelşin Bars applies for approbation to the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo). She is required to complete a specialist language exam. She wants to demonstrate her medical knowledge in a knowledge test. She receives the recognition grant for the costs of the recognition procedure.
  5. She passes the exam in October 2017 and receives approbation as a doctor of medicine.
  6. Up until autumn 2022 she works as a junior doctor in a practice in Berlin. She then wants to sit the medical specialist examination in dermatology with the Medical Council. She is writing her dissertation at the same time. 

My story

“Recognition means I can make my dream of becoming a dermatologist a reality in Germany. I'm doing what I've always wanted to.”

She had never been to Germany before and knew nobody. But she still came to Berlin in 2016. This was because she had a goal she couldn't achieve in Turkey. Following her medical degree, Pelşin Bars wanted to specialise in dermatology. That was virtually impossible in Turkey as there were barely any training positions available in this area. “I then found out it was possible in Germany. So, I resigned from my job. And I came to Berlin with all of my savings,” recalls Pelşin Bars. To begin with she gave herself six months to learn German. In December 2016 she passed the B2 language examination.

On the language course she got to know people in similar situations. An acquaintance told her about the TBB (Turkish Federation in Berlin-Brandenburg), a subproject in the Berlin Network IQ. The association helps people to apply for recognition of their professional qualifications. The help the association provides is free of charge. The adviser explained to Pelşin Bars which documents she needed for authorisation to practise as a doctor of medicine. He also helped Pelşin Bars to apply for the recognition grant. The grant meant that Pelşin Bars was then able to pay for the translation of her documents and the costs of applying for approbation. She prepared her documents and, at the start of 2017, submitted them to the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo). Three months later she received the following information. 

She had two options to demonstrate her medical knowledge: having her documents checked via the equivalence assessment at the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo) or by completing an oral and practical knowledge test . She opted for the knowledge test. Pelşin Bars wanted to reach her goal as quickly as possible. 

To prepare for the knowledge test, she took a course at the Charité in Berlin. Pelşin Bars studied hard for eight weeks. The knowledge test was divided into an oral element and a practical element with a patient. Her intensive preparation paid off. Pelşin Bars passed the knowledge test and this gave her approbation (licence to practise medicine) as a medical doctor. 

She also had to complete a specialist language exam with the Medical Council. Passing the specialist language exam is proof that you also have sufficient knowledge of German in the medical sector. To prepare for the specialist language exam, Pelşin Bars completed the six-week course at the Charité in Berlin. She studied hard and passed the specialist language exam in the summer of 2017. 

Since the start of 2018, approbation has enabled Pelşin Bars to work in the profession in which she trained. To begin with, she was employed as a junior doctor at a dermatology clinic in Brandenburg. She then worked in a practice in Berlin. At the same time, Pelşin Bars was writing her dissertation at the Charité in Berlin. Once her clinical training as junior doctor is complete, Pelşin Bars would like to sit her medical specialist examination with the Medical Council in the speciality of dermatology. She will then be able to work as a doctor of medicine in dermatology.

Her determination has paid off. “I am now doing what I've always dreamed of doing. And I am very happy here. I have a German partner and lots of friends. I'm glad that I made this decision."

The interview with Pelşin Bars was conducted in April 2022. She was advised and supported during the recognition procedure by the TBB – Turkish Federation in Berlin-Brandenburg, a subproject in the Berlin Network IQ.