An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Gabriel-Adrian Bocec, Mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology

I know what I'm ca­pa­ble of! With­out recog­ni­tion I would have re­mained an un­skilled work­er.

In 2014, Gabriel-Adrian Bocec came to Germany from Romania. He had no professional opportunities in his home country and hoped for a better life here. Recognition as a mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology means he is able to start working again in his profession.

My advice
Get recog­ni­tion! It is im­por­tant for work­ing here in the fu­ture.
Gabriel-Adrian Bocec
Reference occupation
Mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology
Country of training
Current job
Mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology

My procedure in brief

  1. Gabriel-Adrian Bocec comes to Leipzig from Romania in 2014. He trained as a refrigeration engineer in his home country. In Saxony, he started working in a restaurant and then worked for four and half years as a tyre fitter.
  2. In 2019, Gabriel finds employment as an air conditioning fitter with the company Polaris. At the same time he sends his CV to a temporary employment agency. Through this agency he starts work for Bitzer in Leipzig as an air conditioning unit installer. Bitzer offer Gabriel a two-year fixed term contract. 
  3. In February 2020, he applies for recognition to the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts and Trades (HWK). Following the equivalence assessment, Gabriel initially receives partial recognition
  4. Completing refresher training means he is then able to achieve full equivalence. The recognition grant provides the financial support needed for the one week of advanced training. In June 2021, Gabriel-Adrian Bocec receives full recognition.
  5. Thanks to recognition, Gabriel-Adrian Bocec has plans for his professional future. He wants to work as a specialist in his profession, either with Bitzer or with another company. 

My story

“For me, full recognition means more security. I'm no longer under pressure. I have the courage to say what I want. I would like to work as a unit installation specialist.”

With no career prospects in his home country and hoping for a better life, he decided to come to Germany with his family in 2014: “Industry in Romania is very small. I worked as an estate agent and as a salesman because I couldn't find any work as a fitter.” However, in Germany too, he started out just working in a restaurant and after this worked for many years as a tyre fitter: “To start with, it was important for me to find a job to feed my family, regardless of what it was.” However, as the years passed, one thing became ever clearer. “I can't work as a tyre fitter up until retirement. So I then decided I had to work in the profession in which I trained.”

In 2019 the qualified mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology applied to Polaris and was given a contract. However, he was only working as an assistant so, at the same time, he sent his CV to a temporary employment agency. The temporary employment agency advised Gabriel to get his training recognised. This meant he would then be able to work in his profession as a mechatronics engineer for refrigeration technology. The temporary employment agency placed him with Bitzer where he was employed to begin with as an agency worker for 14 months.

In order to move on in his profession, Gabriel-Adrian Bocec applied to another company. The company was impressed with him and offered to start the recognition process and pay for it. The company also made contact with the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts and Trades. Gabriel-Adrian Bocec really wanted to accept the offer. But things worked out differently: Bitzer offered him a contract for two years. Gabriel-Adrian Bocec accepted this offer because Bitzer is a large company. In February 2020, he submitted the application for recognition and initially received partial recognition.

Silke Lorenz is an advisor at the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts and Trades. She supported Gabriel-Adrian Bocec on his path to full recognition. She provided Bitzer with information about the necessary refresher training and advised the company on this. The company prepared a training plan for Gabriel-Adrian Bocec and selected the appropriate training course: “I didn't yet know the refrigerants well enough,” recalls Gabriel. Silke Lorenz also helped with the application for the recognition grant. This was approved after just two weeks. Without the support, Gabriel-Adrian Bocec would not have been able to pay the fee for the recognition procedure.

Gabriel finally received full recognition following one week of advanced training in June 2021. Above all, for him this means security. “Now I'm no longer under pressure and I have the courage to say what I want. I would like to work as a unit installation specialist.”

The recognition fulfilled his dream of having a better life: “Everything has improved a lot. I'm working in the profession in which I trained. I'm enjoying my work. I'm very happy in Germany. My children are going to school here. I'm looking forward to what life has in store for me.”

The interview with Gabriel-Adrian Bocec took place in December 2021. The Leipzig Chamber of Crafts and Trades advised and supported him in the recognition procedure. The costs of the recognition procedure were covered by the recognition grant.