Before you can use Aidy, we need your consent to the processing of your personal data by the chatbot.
Aidy provides answers to your questions based on information from the recognition portal. In order too tailor these answers to your specific needs, Aidy may ask you for details about your personal situation. This may include personal information such as your country of origin, professional qualifications or where you want to work in Germany. Please only provide this information if Aidy specifically asks for it! It is not necessary to enter your name.
Aidy is hosted in Germany on the servers of "Anerkennung in Deutschland," managed by our service provider Bringe.
The large language model Aidy uses is a service provided by Microsoft Azure Open AI. For our chatbot, data processing by Microsoft Azure takes place on servers within the European Union. OpenAI will not use the data you provide to improve (“train”) the language models. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
Your consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time with effect for the future by choosing to stop using Aidy. Without your consent, however, it is unfortunately not possible to use Aidy.
Udostępniając te treści, wyrażają Państwo zgodę na przekazanie Państwa danych do odpowiedniego serwisu oraz na zapoznanie się z polityką prywatności.