An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Financial support

A recognition procedure costs money. It may be possible for costs to be paid in full or partially via financial support. Assistance for training is also available.

Who can provide financial support for my recognition procedure?

Various institutions are able to provide financial support for your . Make use of the counselling provided on the different forms of financial support and the general counselling relating to ! You must first apply for financial support and then . Only in this way can your costs be covered.

Who can receive financial support?

In general, only persons living in Germany receive financial support. Support is available for the unemployed, for job-seekers and for employed persons who do not have the money to cover the costs. There is a further option: Your employer may cover the cost of the recognition procedure. Talk to your employer about this. 

Which costs are covered?

In most cases, providers of financial support cover the direct costs involved in the recognition procedure. These costs include: 

  • Fees for the recognition procedure
  • Costs of translations and of  copies
  • Travel expenses

Some providers also cover further costs, e.g. costs of , or learning materials. The provider will inform you about the financial support for your specific case.

Where do I receive financial support?

Employment agencies or job centres

Are you registered in Germany as unemployed or a job-seeker? If so, then the employment agency or the job centre may cover the costs of the  and possible training.

Counselling and information

Contact details: Employment agency contact person (German)


Federal Government recognition grant

Do you have a job but cannot afford the costs of the ? If so, you may be eligible to receive financial support through the . For this, you must live in Germany. The recognition grant enables costs of up to €600 to be reimbursed. You must first apply for financial support and then . Costs for training within the recognition procedure may also be supported with up to €3,000 in order to obtain full equivalence.

You can also receive counselling on financial support from all recognition counselling centres and the  for the recognition procedure. You can find the competent authority using the .

Counselling and information

Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH
Telephone: +49 371 4 33 11 222

Further offers

Counselling on recognition

Recognition Finder

Flyer lying opened on a table.
pdf, 271 KB
BMBF, 2025

The recognition grant

The flyer explains who can apply for financial support and which costs are reimbursed.

Grant programme in Hamburg

The grant programme in Hamburg offers support for living in Germany and grants for the costs of . You can apply to the grant programme for financial support. For this you must be living in Hamburg. 

Guidance and applications

Zentrale Anlaufstelle Anerkennung (ZAA)
Süderstraße 32 B, 20097 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 30620 396
Website: Hamburg Grant Programme (German)


Further offers

Financial support is also available for:

  • Training to compensate for substantial differences
  • German courses
  • Advanced training


Training via the Network “Integration through Qualification (IQ)”

The national Network IQ offers training to compensate for substantial differences in the recognition procedure. The provision is free. Seek advice from an IQ counselling centre near you!

Counselling search

German courses for recognition

German courses are offered via the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). You are able to participate in these courses free of charge or for very little money. On the professional language courses you gain the language skills which may be required for recognition. Further information about learning German is also available in this portal.

Learning German

Funding of advanced training through the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (BAföG)

Want to complete advanced vocational training? If so, you can apply for funding under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act The master craftsman and the certified business economist are examples of advanced training qualifications. For advanced training, you are usually required to have a profession in which you are trained and which is recognised. However you may be able to complete advanced training with sufficient professional experience or with a higher education qualification.

Upgrading Training Assistance Act (BAföG)


In your tax return you can declare the costs of a recognition procedure or of training as work-related costs.