An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Documents for the application

Do you want to have your foreign professional qualification recognised? Find out here which documents are necessary for the recognition application.

Ein Dokument „im Original“ sollte amtlich beglaubigt werden.
Ein Dokument „im Original“ sollte amtlich beglaubigt werden.

Certified copies and German translations

If the competent authority requires “original” documents, then you should submit copies. Do not send originals! In most cases you are required to submit a German translation of your documents. Publicly appointed and authorized must prepare these translations. Ask the competent authority whether it also accepts translations from abroad.

The documents you need for your recognition application depend on the following questions:

  • Which professional qualification do you have?
  • Which country do you come from?
  • Where did you gain your qualification?
  • Where do you want to work in Germany?

Documents which are always necessary are shown in the following list. Further documents may be necessary in individual cases. These documents must normally be submitted as copies or sent electronically. In some cases, the competent authority may request  copies. 

It is essential that you find out from your competent authority which documents must be submitted. You can find your  via the Recognition Finder. Alternatively, please seek advice!

Do you no longer have all the documents relating to your professional qualification? If so, you may be able to provide evidence of your professional competencies in a skills analysis. The is available for dual training occupations, master craftsperson occupations and advanced training occupations. There are also options for : You can complete an or take a test.

Always necessary


Translation into German




Translation into German

Deutsches Formular/auf Deutsch verfassen


In the case of virtually all , you will be given a specific form for the recognition application. You must complete the form and send it to the .
You are also able to apply in writing without a form, in German and including the following content: “I hereby apply for recognition of my  as …“


Proof of identity

Translation into German



If the proof of identity is in a different alphabet such as Cyrillic script, then you may require a transcription into Latin script. If you are married and have changed your name, you also require evidence of the change of name, e.g. .
The following documents are accepted as proof of identity:

  • German personal identification or passport
  • All European personal identification cards
  • International passports
  • Electronic 
  • Where required, residence documents such as proof of arrival, temporary residence permit, suspension of deportation


Evidence of your

Translation into German



This might be, for example:

  • Diploma certificate
  • Degree certificate


Evidence of the content and duration of your vocational qualification

Translation into German



This might be, for example:

  • List of subjects and grades achieved during vocational 
  • Study record
  • Diploma supplement
  • Transcript of records

Mostly necessary (if applicable):


Translation into German



Brief curriculum vitae

Translation into German

prepare in German


The CV should summarise in tabular form your:

  • Training courses (vocational training, academic training)
  • Advanced training


Evidence of your

Translation into German



This might be, for example:

  • Employment references
  • Time books


Other certificates

Translation into German



This might be, for example:

  • Certificates of
  • Certificates of retraining


Statement regarding applications already made

Translation into German



Have you already in Germany? If so, you must state in writing the  to which you applied. If you have not yet submitted an application, you must also state this in writing.


Proof that you want to work in Germany

Translation into German

In most cases yes


Only for persons from . The proof of the can be provided, for example, by:

  • Application for a work visa
  • Contact made with potential employers
  • Business idea in the case of intended self-employment

If you already live in Germany a registration certificate is sufficient in most cases.


Necessary depending on the occupation:


Translation into English



Evidence of 

Translation into English

Certification from Germany or translation


Evidence of medical fitness is necessary primarily for regulated professions in the following sectors:

  • Public health
  • Public safety
  • Social services and education
In most cases a current doctor's certificate is required.


Evidence of personal aptitude / reliability

Translation into English

Certification from Germany or translation


is necessary primarily for regulated professions in the following sectors:

  • Public health
  • Public safety
  • Social services and education


Proof of professional liability insurance cover

Translation into English

Certification from Germany or translation


This evidence is sometimes necessary. This applies to regulated professions in the area of public health or safety and in particular to establishing a business in Germany. The may require professional liability insurance with a specified sum insured.
This proof can be provided, for example, by: 

  • Insurance policy
  • Insurance agreement


Proof of knowledge of German at a particular level

Translation into English

Certification from Germany or translation


Necessary for many . The level of language required is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 

This proof can be provided, for example, by:

  • Certificate from a language school (e.g. The German Language Diploma from the Goethe Institut)

You can also provide this evidence after the recognition procedure has begun. Sometimes additional knowledge of technical German is necessary for . This applies, for example, to  as a medical practitioner. This proof is provided by:

  • Specialist language examination (health professions)


EU Certificate of Conformity

Translation into English

In most cases no


Necessary for medical practitioners, dentists, veterinaries, pharmacists, general nurses, midwives, and architects. Did you gain your professional qualification before your country of origin joined the EU or the EEA? If so, you need a  oined the EU or the EEA? If so, you need a certificate of conformity for the of your professional qualification You obtain these from the competent authority in your country of training or in the country where you most recently worked.


BCertification of entitlement to in the country of training

Translation into English



Necessary for certain . he certification confirms that you are permitted to work in your .

This certification has various names, e.g.: 

  • EU certification of entitlement to practice the profession
  • Certification of the nature and duration of employment in the country of origin
  • Work record from an employer